Teacher Spotlight
GABBY CUMMINGS: What is your most embarrassing high school memory?
LAUREN HARRIS: As a junior I had to park at the track. It was February, so it was really snowy and icy. All the way up the hill I fell and ripped the whole back of my jeans. That was pretty embarrassing.
GC: What kind of activities were you involved in when you were a student here?
LH: I did S.A.D.D Club, Interact. I was on newspaper, played basketball but quit right after, ran track, National Honor Society, and I was on the homecoming court.
GC: Have you always wanted to be a teacher and did you ever think you would be teaching here?
LH: Yes and yes. I always wanted to be a math teacher and I only wanted to teach here at Laurel Highlands.
GC: What do you like to do on your free time?
LH: Well, I have three kids, one is adopted, and one is on the way. So, most of the time I am taking care of them. I’m pretty boring; I don’t really do much.

Left: Mrs. Harris with her boyfriend (now husband), Jimmy Harris, for Cutest Couple
Right: Mrs. Harris with Matt Painley for Best Looking
Mrs. Harris from high school to teaching at LH.
CALISSA JONES: What’s your favorite memory from high school?
CHAD MILLER: Definitely my favorite memory would be working in the basement woodshop and engine repair with all my friends, in addition to school dances on Friday nights after home football games.
CJ: What’s the funniest thing that happened in high school?
CM: One of my friends’ brothers came running to the cafeteria during lunch, telling him he needs to come to the printer because he can’t stop it from feeding paper. We get up there, and there's a couple hundred papers scattered across the library floor because it’s just feeding these out.
CJ: If you were to have won a superlative (real or imaginary), what do you think it would have been?
CM: Most sarcastic, misunderstood person
CJ: Now I noticed you have a nickname in the yearbook: Leb. Is there a story behind that?
CM: I didn't have one, so my friends would make fun of my nationality- which I’m totally okay with and actually proud of. They're the ones that made it up.

Left: Mr. Miller in his freshman year
Middle: As the yearbook caption says, "Chad Miller tries to impress the girls with his intelligence."
Right: Mr. Miller in the 1994 Homecoming escorts picture
Mr. Miller from senior year to his first year of teaching at LH.

CJ: Last question: what job did you think you were going to have?
CM: High school social studies teacher- decided that in junior year. My sister and brother-in-law were already at Cal for teaching, and, well, I didn’t change my mind since I was 17.
Coming soon!