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Local Entertainment: The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Julie Ramey

Get in the car, Janet! The Junior Chamber Of Commerce Players (The JCCP) is performing at the Hollywood Theater in Dormont, Pennsylvania. The JCCP is the official Rocky Horror Picture Show cast from Pittsburgh. If you’re looking for something to do, they perform regularly on Saturdays at Midnight.

What is The Rocky Horror Picture Show?

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a musical comedy/science fiction film made in 1975. The film focuses on Dr. Frank-n-Furter (Tim Curry) a transvestite scientist from the planet Transexual Transylvania and the lovers from Dayton, Ohio, Brad Majors (Barry Bostwick) and Janet Weiss (Susan Sarandon). After the Dayton lover’s car breaks down, they’re forced to take shelter in the home of Dr. Frank-n-furter. He’s no ordinary any way. Brad and Janet lose their innocence as they learn of the doctor’s newest experiment, a muscular, blonde man named Rocky.

Why Should I See This Live?

The JCCP never fails to deliver. Every show is different! Every time the JCCP performs the cast is different, such as one week Ponyboy will play the creepy butler Riff Raff, and then the next week he could play Frank-n-Furter. The show is never boring! Trust me, I’ve seen the show six times! With the price of entry only being eight dollars, it’s well worth that. The show includes call backs; these are phrases that the audience yells at the cast during certain times in the show. If you happen to decide to see the show, there is a list of call backs available online.

The cast also has other ways to make the show fun. You can purchase a prop bag for three dollars. The prop bag includes: Newspaper, rubber gloves, a noise maker, a slice of toast, party hat, playing cards, sheets of toilet paper. I know, these items seem pretty useless. The do serve a purpose,however, during certain times in the show; each item interacts with the show. An example is throwing the toilet paper into the rest of the audience. When you purchase a prop bag, it includes a list of when each item should be used.

What to I wear?

This 1975 film is full of fishnets, so if you have a pair you are more than welcome to wear them. One of the best parts about the show? You can wear whatever you want! Every time I went with my friends, we dressed in some kind of crazy outfit to match a character.

What should I expect my first time there?

So you’ve never seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show live? You know what that makes you, don’t you? Of course you don’t! While you prepare to go into the theater, there will be a cast member asking audience members if they’ve seen the show live before. Don’t lie about it, being a “Virgin” only adds to the experience! The cast member will put a “V” on your forehead in red lipstick. That’s not the end of your virgin experience. As the show begins they have everyone stand and count down the amount of times people have seen the show. When they say, “If you’ve never seen this show live before, stay standing,” prepare to get in front of an audience. The virgins are directed to the stage and asked to repeat the “Rocky Code." If you’re lucky, you’ll get chosen to play the game they have before every show.

After the Show

After the show, the cast is going to be more than willing to get photos with you! With a night of throwing objects from your prop bag, the theater is going to be a mess. You don’t have to, but it is always nice to help out, (the cast cleans the theater after each show!) and pick up the garbage around you. The show is usually over at about 3 am, and by the time you get pictures and talk to the cast, it’ll be around 3:30. Sorry to disappoint but you can’t stay in the theater all night. Hit the road, and maybe stop at your favorite 24-hour food joint for a snack. Hopefully, you enjoyed the show so much, that you’ll come back and do the time warp again.

The Official Shadow Cast Website (JCCP)-

To purchase tickets in advance-


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