Gabby Cummings
Conspiracy theories have been around for years, whether you believe them or not, well that's up to you. Influencers, like Shane Dawson, have been creating a major hysteria on the internet about some wild and fascinating theories. With over 24 MILLION views in four days Shane created a very engrossing video, touching base on many different theories. But what IS a conspiracy theory?
A conspiracy theory is a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event, says Google. For example, NASA faked the moon landing in order to cover up something big. Maybe there's another life form that they’re not telling us about. Although these are just theories and not facts, it's still fun to think about the possibilities. Here are some insane theories you might want to look at.

Apple is LISTENING to us through our phones:
Although Apple has denied these allegations, this bone-chilling theory will have you wanting to throw away your phone. We all know and use the feature Siri on our Iphones, right? Well, if you say the phrase “Hey Siri” without even touching it, she will just come right on. But, how does she know you said it unless the phone is listening and recording at all times? Ever taken a Live Photo? If you ever replayed the Live Photo you will notice that it records a few seconds before you actually snap the picture. How did it know you were about to take the picture? So why is Apple listening to us? For simply marketing reasons. Ever talk about something like a movie you want to see with the Instagram app open? Well, you will most likely find an advertisement for that movie.

Mandela Effect:
We all know the famous line from Star Wars “Luke, I am your father.” right? Wrong. It was never “Luke, I am your father.”, it was just simply “No, I am your father.” That's right, Darth Vader never said his son’s name.
The famous colorful cereal with the bird as a mascot is called Fruit Loops right? Wrong again, it was called Froot Loops.
If you thought the Monopoly man had a monocle, you might have been involved in some time traveling. Why do we keep getting these commonly known facts wrong? It’s actually called the Mandela Effect. The Mandela Effect is evidence that you may have experienced events from a different reality. Some believe that people time traveled back or forward in time. Maybe in our time traveling we missed something.

Deep Fakes:
It’s 2019 and technology has advanced a lot in the last 10 years. In movies, with celebrities that have passed away, like Paul Walker, we can now use advanced technology that has a CGI (3D) version of him on his brother's body. With new computer technology, stuff like this looks realistic. Although it’s amazing to see our favorite actors in movies, it can be used to sabotage and lie. The same advanced technology they use in movies is the same technology we can use on our Iphones. For example, someone can dress up like Donald Trump and edit his face on their body and make him say whatever they want. This kind of manipulating is something that should be illegal but it isn’t. It’s definitely something someone can use to put a lot people in danger. Someone can easily make a deep fake of Trump and say that a nuclear bomb is being set off or someone can make a deep fake of someone committing a crime.
So, tell us, what is a conspiracy theory you might believe? Have we ever landed on the moon? Are we living in a simulation? Is Apple listening to our conversations? Is the government watching? You tell us. Remember, don’t believe everything you see.