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What Does It Mean to Be Free?

Derek Nastasi

Recently, the 10th grade Honors English II class has an assignment where we had to write a good long, paragraph about what we think it means to be free. The assignment to many was just another spew of busy work in the textbooks, but I think otherwise and the results were very interesting and astounding. I got answers from the original assignment of some students in that class and others who weren't in that class. Here are some results:

To “be free” is to be unattached from other’s opinion and or agendas and be in control of your life and how you live it. It is having the right to exercise your God-given rights such as speech,worship, to justice, and from fear. It is being able to raise a family without them being taken from you or being spoon fed propaganda that they did not ask for. In a free society, you can have the opportunity of becoming powerful if you put the work into it and not be regulated. You are not forced to give to or pull anyone else's weight but yourself and you don't have to be scared to step outside or speak for what you believe in. Freedom rings with free will and not the gunfire of tyranny. Ultimately freedom is life without rule, what you make of it, not what leaders government to be. - Derek Nastasi

In my opinion, to be truly free means you have the freedom to say or do anything and no one will reprimand you for it. To be truly free, no one can step in between you and what you want. When you are truly free nothing can stop you and that is when you can unleash the person you are from within. - Jeff Golembiewski

Being free, in my personal opinion means many things. By being free, I could live my life as who, what, or where I want. Being free means I can marry whoever I want, or hate whoever I want. I think that as a whole, being free means living the way you've always wanted, and doing whatever you see best for you. Being free doesn't give anybody the right to step over somebody else's freedom or happiness. -Julie Ramey

What I think it means to be free is to be able to express yourself in anyway you choose. But I also believe you should respect the lives of other and express yourself in ways no others are affected by you. -Anonymous

Freedom. What is free? Free is something unattainable; everything has a price. Time, money, effort- there is a cost to every action and every decision. But the concept of free is still one of the core values of the American people- wars have been fought and lives have been lost over the idea of freedom. In this way, freedom is real. It’s the hope of doing as you wish, of making your own decisions on your own time. It’s a motivator, a catalyst if you will, to fuel groups of people believing in the same thing. It can make an physical impact in the world. What else would classify it as real? Therefore, while being free is not attainable, freedom is, because it is a state of mind and well-being. -Calissa Jones

To be free is to not have any setbacks. What helps on becoming free is letting things go. It also means coming out of something hard like having weight lifted off your shoulders. However, everyone has a different meaning of being free.-Mia Marinelli

How free should society and the citizens of this country be? Is too much freedom dangerous? Will it lead to anarchy? Or will it open the gates to peaceful harmony amongst man without regulation? We at Mustang Roundup want to hear from you in the comments section below!

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